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The Remediation Plus Systems bring to teachers, school boards, private schools and First Nation schools a solution that will dramatically ease the teaching of reading from an osmosis strategy to a scientific process. Join us and make a difference.


The Remediation Plus curriculum contains:

  • 3 Teacher Binders of sequential lesson plans
  • 1 Teacher Binder for K and grade 1
  • 1 phoneme deck of cards accompanied by a Vimeo Training articulation guide
  • 1 testing manual
  • 1 training manual
  • 8 hours of Vimeo Training of model lesson plans
  • 1 decodable text stories
  • 1 multisensory grammar curriculum



Early Language solution contains: 

  • ELC Teachers’ curriculum
  • 1 set of workbooks
  • 1 set of CVC readers
  • 1 set of Consonant Blend readers
  • Lower case Slingerland-style letter cards
  • The training for this curriculum is on Vimeo Training


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What People Are Saying

"We have seen much success with our students who are accessing tier 2 and 3 reading intervention. All students were supported in small groups of up to 4 students, depending on needs. Remediation Plus supports all students who require a reading intervention program, no matter if they are identified through an IPRC process or not. Pace of lessons, creative scheduling, accommodations such as movement breaks and flexible groupings allowed for a variety of students to participate in the program."


Special Education
York Catholic District School Board 2022

"..I never thought that in such a short space of time, his whole life would be different. Three weeks into coming to you and he could read! He is now doing exceptionally well and has so much confidence in himself..."


Karen de Sousa Costa

"..We now provide students in South Niagara with the Remediation Plus program. It’s an incredibly effective program. .."


Angie Rubino, Master Reading Teacher
Reading Room

"..I have recently submitted a proposal to INAC (Indian Affairs Canada) to introduce the Remediation Plus Literacy Program into more First Nations communities in Ontario..."


Dr. Mary Beth Minthorn Biggs

"..Our students have been very successful in the short period of time that we have been delivering the program. The time factor along with the success rate is a positive step toward Literacy in the high school setting..."


Maureen Kennedy, Instructional Leader and Lynn Bridges, Vice Principal
Ottawa Technical Learning Centre

"..Using R+ as our main tool for teaching our students how to read is one of the biggest ways we can make a difference in the early learning of your child.."


Paula Woods, SK Teacher
Children’s Garden School

Our Products

Order R+ for your school or students today.